For many, everything seems possible in New York. Even among females, New York has an extra special pull. Perhaps, it is the cosmopolitan feel of the city. In New York, women thrive in many and different areas like fashion, corporate success and even just by living in the city. Women in New York seem to be more empowered to do whatever they wish.
For many women, running a small business in New York is their dream come true.
There are many reasons why people, not just women, would be inclined to build their shop in New York. New York has a lot of people from different backgrounds, it’s a prosperous city and famous around the world. Lastly, it is a place where success is almost everywhere. Living in New York has a certain charm and many people cannot resist that charm.
Being a woman should not be detriment to start a small business. There are many organizations that help woman in starting and maintaining their businesses. One particular organization is the SBA or Small Business Administration. This federal agency has a specific office called Office of Women’s Business Ownership (OWBO) that manages the Women’s Business Centers (WBCs) and supports women in their dream of becoming entrepreneurs. The SBA is available across the country and provides many forms of help for women entrepreneurs, especially business loans for women. Business loans can be made for a business start-up or to maintain business operations.
Women’s Business Centers are scattered within the country, just like the SBA. Their main mission is to help women in their business endeavors. They are a helpful office when it comes to any business issue, whether it concerns finances or expert advice. Like many offices under SBA, the WBCs’ goal is to create an equal field of opportunity for women to do business with other entrepreneurs in the marketplace.
Women, like many minorities, will face special challenges while they are starting and operating their business. Women, in particular have the challenge of acting like men when running their business, keeping their emotions and feminine qualities in check, balancing time and commitment between family and the business, lacking support from other female entrepreneurs and being afraid of failing to start a business. These challenges and others contribute to a woman’s confidence and dedication to create and manage their own firms and be their own boss.
In a city and a thriving business capital like New York, help is very much needed. For women entrepreneurs in the Big Apple, there is the women’s business development center New York. The center is a WBCat 200 Genesee St. in Utica, New York. It accepts women from all walks of life, of every color, religion, belief, age, ethnic or national origin and other demographic. All women from 29 counties of New York City are welcome to visit or contact them.
It’s a great and courageous step to open a business in New York City. It’s even a greater challenge for a woman to make it in this ever-busy city. With a little help, faith and perseverance, a woman’s dreams of a New York shop might just come true.