Summary: The government follows a standardized classification system of contractors in government bidding in order to maintain an organized negotiation and screening of potential vendors. Thus, it is a must for the contractors to know more about NAICS and GSA CAGE codes. Government procurement can simply […]
Read more →Summary: It is never enough to know what to do in government procurement process. Contractors should also know how to do the crucial steps that might make or break their business ventures. There’s more to government procurement process that contractors need to learn aside from the proper […]
Read more →Summary: Signing contracts may be the most rewarding feeling for most entrepreneurs, but it is always a must to observe the DOs and DON’Ts for post and pre-signing of government procurement agreement. It is perfectly understandable when a young entrepreneur gets giddy and excited when venturing into […]
Read more →Summary: Everything that an entrepreneur should observe in negotiating with a government contractor can be summarized in 5 P’s. These include what the contract should contain, and how these will be carried about for the satisfaction of the client. During a bidding or negotiation for government procurement, […]
Read more →Summary: Signing contracts may be the most rewarding feeling for most entrepreneurs, but it is always a must to observe the Do’s and Don’ts for post and pre-signing of government procurement agreement. It is perfectly understandable when a young entrepreneur gets giddy and excited when venturing into […]
Read more →Summary: Aside from knowing the right ways of getting a contract for government procurement, one should also know the common pitfalls of young entrepreneurs during negotiations and bids. In what ways can they NOT get a contract? One of the most effective ways for small-scale businesses to […]
Read more →It is time for entrepreneurs to learn how to maximize the potentials of their businesses. It is time to unlock the mysteries on government procurement. With the launch of “Government Procurement Exposed” eBook and website on April 5, 2011, this comes in handy. The publication and release […]
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