women and minority owned businessWomen have a greater chance in excelling in business than men. This stems from the fact that women have the natural instinct to nurture and take care of the family’s needs, so that they sustain a fiercer motivation to provide for the home. In today’s financially difficult times, this entails not only finding the best business opportunities for women, but also doing well in the field.

Studies reveal that women establish small businesses every day at twice the rate than men do, proving that female entrepreneurs are the leading group in the small business industry. Setting up a business however, is no small and easy task. Most experts say it is important for any entrepreneur, whether male or female, to choose a business opportunity that’s suited to one’s skills and passion. Choosing a business that’s close to the heart would fuel one determination to succeed, no matter the odds.

Five Business Ideas, Endless Possibilities

There are five (5) leading markets today that present the best business opportunities for women. The key is to find the niche that feels right, one that best fits the woman entrepreneur.

  1. Direct sales. This is the simplest and easiest business opportunity to explore. All that one has to do is to sign up as a direct sales agent of cosmetics, apparel and food brand and sell such products to a specific market. The leading brands in direct sales include Avon, Mary Kay and Pampered Chef, for example.
  2. Franchising. There are low-cost franchises that could help a woman entrepreneur get a great start. From cleaning services to baking cakes, there are well-established brands that offer franchising packages at an affordable price. Startup costs could go as low as $2,000.00.
  3. Home-based business. Establishing a home business is one of the best business opportunities for women who have to spend most of their time at home. There are many business options to try. Whether it’s managing a catering and baking business, caring for pets or offering one’s web developing expertise, doing the business from home is convenient for women entrepreneurs whose attention must be divided between hands-on care of the family, taking care of the home, and establishing a career.
  4. Online services. Using the World Wide Web as one’s platform for business is also one of the most ideal business opportunities for women. Being a retailer, freelance writer, a website developer or a graphics artist could make any individual earn enough to sustain the home and to build a great career. Recent studies reveal that a great percentage of consumers make transactions online, as well as maintain virtual profiles in social media networks. Being online is a great advantage.
  5. Green industry. It’s also wise to tap into the green industry in these times when the public is becoming acutely aware of going green and going organic to protect the environment and to promote a healthier way of life. Women entrepreneurs could offer organic products to a target audience.

These five (5) business opportunities for women will surely set any female entrepreneur into a smart, successful path in establishing a business.

High Costs Need Not be a Problem

It doesn’t take a lot of money to establish a business. In fact, when the recession hit the U.S. economy, small, low-cost businesses began sprouting all over the country as laid-off workers began turning into entrepreneurs. There are endless possibilities for women entrepreneurs, one only has to gather enough courage; to study the intricacies of a business project; and to work passionately in order to realize the dream of establishing a profitable venture.

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