Intellectual property rights are very valuable for those who have pioneered a certain idea, created something useful, or published a unique item conceived and established with their own efforts. It is only expected that these people have the right to hold the copyright to what they have created. What these innovative people have done is very valuable to the information superhighway that is readily accessible through the Internet. Because of these contributions, every industry in the world has its foundation. They are the precursors of every subject matter that is relevant to every single industry that really makes so many lives possible.
With this movement now comes the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and Protect the IP Act (PIPA). These legal proposals aim to provide aggressive control to the government to censor different content formats if they believe that the content infringes copyright.
Now, Head Exposed, believing in the freedom to create and share content based on one’s intellectual and righteous will, goes against this proposal. It is not because Head Exposed supports piracy or the direct copying of already published work. With all the rich information flow that comes from these “founding fathers” of each lucrative industry online, everyone can gain more knowledge and have the chance to develop that knowledge further. Other information sites need the pioneer credible ideas to establish their own platforms so that they, too, could share their take on the subject matter at hand.
Supporting SOPA and PIPA would hinder the growth or the other information sites online and this would cripple the industries that feed on online information. Head Exposed completely holds the authors of every material published online valuable. If not for their generosity, there wouldn’t be any other educational spin-offs from which so many people benefit from. As long as there is full regard to the authors or creators of the online material used, the author is still protected. In fact, a copyright owner or author should find it quite flattering to have been mentioned in a posted piece. The Internet is an excellent medium for any kind of business. Thus, let us all work together and help each other grow in this lucrative conquest.
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