Imagine yourself as a wolf. You belong to a wolf clan somewhere in the North – a pack of 20 living your lives as hunters, stocking up for the coming cold, harsh winter. Now imagine what you are as a wolf.
You may be the Alpha. The leader of the pack. The one deciding for the hunt and the one to take first bite.
What if you aren’t the Alpha?
Lucky for you, you aren’t a canine. Yet somehow you find that most opportunities that arrive are being given to those who are more dominant than you. Have you ever been turned down for a promotion because your boss says the other guy is more aggressive? Have you missed getting that contract because the negotiators thought you can’t handle it? Have you ever been discriminated against because of your race or gender?
Do you wish to start your own business but is scared you might fail?
Here’s a thought.
Times have changed. The world is opening their eyes to equality. Minorities are only a statistical label. Women are seated in powerful positions. Oprah didn’t start easy but she is one of the richest women in the world – and during her early years, being African American was still a minority. People are braving up to build their own dreams. Yes, dreams. Cheesy, huh? But I know you have them. Every day, more and more opportunities are being created. It takes a lot of guts to brave up and say you want to succeed in life. So what can you do to start your own business and be your own boss?
A lot of ways.
If you know what kind of business to build, very good! If you haven’t decided on anything yet, you can start with these:
MONETIZE YOUR TALENT. Do you make the best roast beef in town? Start a restaurant or a catering business. The need for food never runs out. Even the president of the United States needs someone to cook for him.
FIND YOUR NICHE. Discover new things that you can do. Learn candle-making, recycling paper, sewing and knitting or marketing skills.
INVENT AND INNOVATE. The inspiration for the Snuggie came from a mother attaching sleeves on a blanket so his son won’t get cold in the dorm room. Feel free to turn your ideas into reality.
FIND PEOPLE WHO NEED SOMETHING. There lots of corporations and government offices that rely on procurement– they need paper clips, food, computer screens, you get the point. Find a need and give it to them. Here are some sites where you can start:
Whatever you do, never let discrimination cloud your ambition. You decide whether you want to be the submissive underdog or the strong, independent hunter that you really are.
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